Original Post:
I playing around on the Web and came across this Brooklyn Heights blog (just added it to my blogroll on the right check it out). I had tried to go there previously through another blog in the past and hit a glitch, but seems back up and just fine now.
There was a thread going about the Heights and how it's changed over the years. As a newcomer I haven't had much time to notice many changes, but over the summer my employer gives us summer fridays (yes, you can be jealous) so I used to walk to Montague and walk around and get TastyD. One of my favorite stores is Fishs Eddy. They have the coolest china patterns. I know, you're thinking to yourself that china does NOT equal cool, but if you could see what they have you would likey.
On Sunday, I was on Montague and noticed it was gone. I was disappointed because I had been meaning to get this lovely Brooklyn platter, but I'll have to get it in Union Sq near my office.

Now there is some "vintage store." I don't know what qualifies as vintage these days, but the jeans there look like they got picked up from the salvation army. I saw some from Express and then some of the dishes look like leftovers from the boring collections, of which I must admit there were a few, from Fishs Eddy. Lame......
I think Montague could use some help from a retail perspective. Some of the stores have seen better days. Even the Banana Republic there sucks. It's super small and they never have any good sizes. And WTF is CT Muffins? I know it's a chain but I spent my high school years in CT and seriously, muffins are not a specialty there or anything. It's weird. Not like NY Bagels or something, which totally makes sense. And while we're on the subject, why does the Ann Taylor Loft have to be so big? What does that say about our neighborhood? I am not averse to chain stores, at least they have a dedicated customer base and attract steady traffic.
If you could add your dream store to Montague, what would it be? And if you've had a CT Muffin, let me know if it's good cause I'll totally go get one to eat my words so to speak :-)
Montague St. wish list:
A decent Japanese restaurant; a bakery; a bar besides Eamonn Doran's (like Foffe's or Capulet's from 10+ yrs ago); no Sleepy's; a bodega (M&E's closed?); less real estate offices; Bossert Hotel becomes Jehovah's Witness-free; a tea/coffee lounge that is not Starbucks; a butcher shop; Noodle Pudding II.
Thanks for indulging me...
I don't think there can be enough Noodle Puddings... I would welcome a second on Montague to ease up some of the traffic to the Henry St. Location. I have been meaning to investigate the hotel - I should have known it was the Jehovah's!!! Silly me. Yeah and one less crappy shoe store would be lovely.
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