Wednesday, August 30, 2006

desperate dogs in Brooklyn

WABC is reporting on some disturbing and disgusting news from Prospect Heights about a half dozen dogs who were neglected and mistreated. Some poor little kids looked over a fence and saw dogs canibalizing each other. Neighbors reported a stench.

Thank God this wasn't in my neighborhood. I always see these types of stories on the news where people mistreat their animals, but usually it's some scary cat lady hoarding like 30 cats in one nasty apartment. I don't understand how people can do this to their pets?

One thing about dumbo is that it's really animal friendly. Everyone has a dog or two. There are english and french bulldogs, labs, daschunds, chiwawas and mutts everywhere. But somehow the sidewalks are so much cleaner because people genuinely care about their environment and clean up properly. Some day we'll get a dog but for now we love our two cats.

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